Add "ngu" in Sango to your vocabulary. ngu, nom.1 /ngu/ Examples of ngu Indefinite article: ngu De
Add "kabi" in Sango to your vocabulary. kabi, nom.1 /kabi/ Examples of kabi Usage: kabi na gbogbo
Add "sofa" in Sango to your vocabulary. sofa, nom.0 /sofa/ Examples of sofa Indefinite article: so
Add "kpongbo" in Sango to your vocabulary. kpongbo, nom.1 /kpongbo/ Examples of kpongbo Indefinite
My Body In Sango
Learn vocabulary about the body in Sango. Sango Library Books English: My Body in Sango Français: M
Add "bebe" in Sango to your vocabulary. bebe, nom Examples of bebe Indefinite article: bebe Defin
En En
Add "en en" in Sango to your vocabulary. en en, exc /en en/ Examples of en en Usage: mbi tene "en e